The purchase is currently only possible for professional dealers. Now register
Brand | Andere |
Category | Partially integrated |
Model | Free Living S 660 SL |
Initial registration | 03/2014 |
Mileage | 42.000 km |
Chassis | Fiat |
Gearbox | Circuit |
Vehicle registration document (Zul.-Besch. Teil II) | is present |
HU valid until | 03/2025 |
Fuel | Diesel |
Engine power in kW | 96 kW (131 PS) |
Displacement in cm³ | 2.287 cm³ |
Pollutant class | Euro 5 |
Air conditioning | Cab climate |
Number of permitted seats (with belt) | 4 |
Permissible total weight in kg | 3.500 kg |
Length in mm | 6.608 mm |
Main set tires | All-season tires |
ABS | |
Airbag for passenger | |
Airbag for driver | |
Hill Start Assist | |
Rotating passenger seat | |
Rotatable driver seat | |
Parking aid | Camera |
Electric exterior mirrors | |
Power windows front | |
ESP | |
Fog light | |
Radio and sound | Radio / CD, Bluetooth, Touchscreen |
Power steering | |
Cruise control | |
Central locking system | Central locking with radio remote control |
various small signs of wear
Worn rims
Table has a slight scratch, also on the worktop.
Refrigerator removable parts in the dishwasher; parts of the plastic have become milky. The vegetable compartment is a little worn at the front (photo).
The shelf grid is no longer shiny in the middle at the back
The decor outside is not properly attached in some places (photo); 2 small stickers were attached by us. There is some discoloration.
The side panel under the fabric pocket is damaged (photo).
Small hairline crack in the shower tray drain
The drain from the shower tray to the waste water tank is defective, which was noticed during cleaning.
Abrasion on the table leg
Minor damage repaired:
The left-hand exterior mirror was driven off at the time and was replaced straight away.
I would like to mention that the camper van was stolen in March 2018 (theft and burglary damage), but turned up 2 days later. An expert inspected the vehicle and all the necessary work was carried out in a specialist workshop (settled by the insurance company).
I am not aware of any water damage or hail damage.
I only noted "unknown" as a precaution.
The purchase is currently only possible for professional dealers. Now register